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5.3.2 Arrival of other colonists

Todos Mitrusch/ Metrusch applied for his admission as a settler of Krasna, which was granted on September 28, 1821.

Source: Staatsarchive von Odessa Fond 6, Inventory 1,File 1450

Josef Gross and his wife and 9 children from Alsace, emigrated in 1831. He had presented his passport on 15 November 1831 in Kishinev,. In May 1835 he received permission to remain in Krasna. On February 2, 1836, Krasna submitted papers to the Committee for Foreign Settlers in Southern Russia, in which the colony agreed to accept him into their community. He was admitted to reside in Krasna as a colonist on March 17, 1836.
Source: Staatsarchiv Odessa Fond 6, Inventory 1, File 3199

en/ebook/herkunft/g-00-03-20.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/29 15:48 by Otto Riehl Herausgeber