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Memory for all time - 07.10.2021

Part 1 from Julia Valieva

Part 2 from Julia Valieva

  • <p>krasna-02-001a.jpg</p><p><a href="/_detail/alles/krasna-aktuell/krasna-02/krasna-02-001a.jpg"><img title="Details" src="/lib/plugins/photogallery/images/details_page.png" width="30" /></a></p>
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  • <p>Ιερέας Αρκάδι (Priester Arkadi)</p><p>krasna-02-002a.jpg</p><p><a href="/_detail/alles/krasna-aktuell/krasna-02/krasna-02-002a.jpg"><img title="Details" src="/lib/plugins/photogallery/images/details_page.png" width="30" /></a></p>
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  • <p>Ιερέας Αρκάδι (Priester Arkadi)</p><p>krasna-02-003.jpg</p><p><a href="/_detail/alles/krasna-aktuell/krasna-02/krasna-02-003.jpg"><img title="Details" src="/lib/plugins/photogallery/images/details_page.png" width="30" /></a></p>
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  • <p>Ольга Младинова (Olga Mladinova)</p><p>krasna-02-005.jpg</p><p><a href="/_detail/alles/krasna-aktuell/krasna-02/krasna-02-005.jpg"><img title="Details" src="/lib/plugins/photogallery/images/details_page.png" width="30" /></a></p>
  • <p>Ольга Младинова (Olga Mladinova)</p><p>krasna-02-006.jpg</p><p><a href="/_detail/alles/krasna-aktuell/krasna-02/krasna-02-006.jpg"><img title="Details" src="/lib/plugins/photogallery/images/details_page.png" width="30" /></a></p>
  • <p>Владимир Кубякин (Wladimir Kubjakin), Lokalhistoriker und Vertreter der deutschen Kulturgesellschaft in Tarutino &quot;Bessarabisches Haus&quot;</p><p>krasna-02-007.jpg</p><p><a href="/_detail/alles/krasna-aktuell/krasna-02/krasna-02-007.jpg"><img title="Details" src="/lib/plugins/photogallery/images/details_page.png" width="30" /></a></p>
  • <p>Владимир Кубякин (Wladimir Kubiakin), Lokalhistoriker und Vertreter der deutschen Kulturgesellschaft in Tarutino &quot;Bessarabisches Haus&quot;</p><p>krasna-02-008.jpg</p><p><a href="/_detail/alles/krasna-aktuell/krasna-02/krasna-02-008.jpg"><img title="Details" src="/lib/plugins/photogallery/images/details_page.png" width="30" /></a></p>
  • <p>Simon Navotny, Vorstandsmitglied des Stuttgarter Vereins der Deutschen aus Bessarabien</p><p>krasna-02-009.jpg</p><p><a href="/_detail/alles/krasna-aktuell/krasna-02/krasna-02-009.jpg"><img title="Details" src="/lib/plugins/photogallery/images/details_page.png" width="30" /></a></p>
  • <p>Simon Navotny, Vorstandsmitglied des Stuttgarter Vereins der Deutschen aus Bessarabien</p><p>krasna-02-010.jpg</p><p><a href="/_detail/alles/krasna-aktuell/krasna-02/krasna-02-010.jpg"><img title="Details" src="/lib/plugins/photogallery/images/details_page.png" width="30" /></a></p>
  • <p>Владимир Кубякин (Wladimir Kubiakin), Lokalhistoriker und Vertreter der deutschen Kulturgesellschaft in Tarutino &quot;Bessarabisches Haus&quot;<br />
Simon Navotny, Vorstandsmitglied des Stuttgarter Vereins der Deutschen aus Bessarabien</p><p>krasna-02-011.jpg</p><p><a href="/_detail/alles/krasna-aktuell/krasna-02/krasna-02-011.jpg"><img title="Details" src="/lib/plugins/photogallery/images/details_page.png" width="30" /></a></p>
  • <p>Вокальный народный ансамбль «Веснянка». Ансамбль был основан в 1986 году..<br />
Vokalensemble &quot;Vesnyanka&quot;. Das Ensemble wurde 1986 gegründet<br />
Vocal Folk Ensemble &quot;Vesnyanka&quot;. The ensemble was founded in 1986.</p><p>krasna-02-013.jpg</p><p><a href="/_detail/alles/krasna-aktuell/krasna-02/krasna-02-013.jpg"><img title="Details" src="/lib/plugins/photogallery/images/details_page.png" width="30" /></a></p>
  • <p>Ιερέας Αρκάδι (Priester Arkadi) und Савва Степанович Чернев (Sawwa Stepanowitsch Tschernjow) - Vorsitzender der Gemeinde Tarutino</p><p>krasna-02-014.jpg</p><p><a href="/_detail/alles/krasna-aktuell/krasna-02/krasna-02-014.jpg"><img title="Details" src="/lib/plugins/photogallery/images/details_page.png" width="30" /></a></p>
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  • <p>Ιερέας Αρκάδι (Priester Arkadi)</p><p>krasna-02-018.jpg</p><p><a href="/_detail/alles/krasna-aktuell/krasna-02/krasna-02-018.jpg"><img title="Details" src="/lib/plugins/photogallery/images/details_page.png" width="30" /></a></p>
  • <p>Ιερέας Αρκάδι (Priester Arkadi)</p><p>krasna-02-019.jpg</p><p><a href="/_detail/alles/krasna-aktuell/krasna-02/krasna-02-019.jpg"><img title="Details" src="/lib/plugins/photogallery/images/details_page.png" width="30" /></a></p>
  • <p>krasna-02-021.mp4</p><p><a href="/_detail/alles/krasna-aktuell/krasna-02/krasna-02-021.mp4"><img title="Details" src="/lib/plugins/photogallery/images/details_page.png" width="30" /></a></p>
  • <p>from L to R<br />
Прасковья Кирчиогло (Praskovya Praskovya) Head of Krasna village,<br />
Савва Степанович Чернев (Sawwa Stepanowitsch Tschernjow)<br />
Ольга Младинова (Olga Mladinowa)</p><p>krasna-02-022.mp4</p><p><a href="/_detail/alles/krasna-aktuell/krasna-02/krasna-02-022.mp4"><img title="Details" src="/lib/plugins/photogallery/images/details_page.png" width="30" /></a></p>
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  • <p>krasna-02-025.jpg</p><p><a href="/_detail/alles/krasna-aktuell/krasna-02/krasna-02-025.jpg"><img title="Details" src="/lib/plugins/photogallery/images/details_page.png" width="30" /></a></p>
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  • <p>Савва Степанович Чернев (Sawwa Stepanowitsch Tschernjow) - Vorsitzender der Gemeinde Tarutino)</p><p>krasna-02-028.jpg</p><p><a href="/_detail/alles/krasna-aktuell/krasna-02/krasna-02-028.jpg"><img title="Details" src="/lib/plugins/photogallery/images/details_page.png" width="30" /></a></p>
  • <p>Ольга Младинова (Olga Mladinowa)</p><p>krasna-02-029.jpg</p><p><a href="/_detail/alles/krasna-aktuell/krasna-02/krasna-02-029.jpg"><img title="Details" src="/lib/plugins/photogallery/images/details_page.png" width="30" /></a></p>
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«Память на все времена»

Photos from 07. Okt. 2021 from Julia Valieva

49 images, 2 videos

Compiled by Otto Riehl

By Olga Mladinova

Post on Facebook by Olga Mladinova - October 7 at 20:57 translated into English

Today in Krásnoye, near the chapel and the monument erected in the old cemetery in memory of the German settlers - the founders of our beautiful village who were forced to leave Krásnoye in 1940 - a peaceful action “Commemoration for all times” took place for the first time.

Villagers and guests gathered, among others:
Savva Chernev, chairman of the Tarutino Municipality, Vladimir Kubiakin, local historian and representative of the German cultural society in Tarutino “Bessarabian House”, and Simon Navotny, board member of the Stuttgart Association of Bessarabian Germans.

Many thanks to all who accepted the invitation and put aside all their worries and duties to remember and pray for the health of the people who are still alive, who were affected by the terrible tragic events in 1940 and whose benefits we still use today: good German houses, German wells, the building that now houses our Orthodox Church, etc.

This is our history, the history of Krasnoye village. It is our duty to preserve for all times the memory of the people who founded our beautiful village where we live peacefully today - Gagauz, Bulgarians, Ukrainians, Moldavians, Russians, etc.

To preserve the memory and pass it on to the descendants. To pray that this will never happen to anyone.

Today we remembered the people who built the chapel - Dmitry Bratan, God rest his soul, and his son Dmitry Bratan.

I would like to point out that the action took place thanks to the support of Otto Riehl from Germany.

Many thanks to Otto and all descendants of Bessarabian Germans for remembering and taking care of their ancestors and historical heritage.

By Julia Valieva

Post on Facebook by Julia Valieva - October 8 at 07:30 translated into English

Few people know that there is a small memorial complex in Krásné at the old cemetery, which includes a monument and a chapel in honor of the Germans who stood at the source of the village. Yesterday I was there at the action “Memory for all times”. And I was deeply touched by the memoirs of Max Riehl - an immigrant from Krásno, given to me by his son Otto Riehl and sponsored by himself.

Here is an excerpt from these memories: “On September 29, 1940, at about 5 p.m., the parish of St. Joseph was closed with a funeral service for the deceased in the cemetery. After the last Mass, all the dismantled parts of the church were distributed to the people to be taken to where they would live. From nightfall until dawn, an atmosphere of uncertainty to the point of fear and anxiety prevailed in Krasny. The uncertainty was intensified by the barking of dogs and the squealing of cats. A peaceful sleep was no longer possible. Cattle, sheep, chickens, pigs and geese were released and roamed the fields unhindered. On October 4, our family set off with the loaded wagon, sobbing and crying, in the direction of the Danube. Behind the shoulders of the migrating animals could be heard the heart-rending howls of the remaining animals. The resettlement was very brutal. It was a terrible experience for all of us.

All the speakers at the rally talked about “that something like this must never happen again”. And I kept thinking about the Donbass, where thousands of people were forced to leave the ATO zone during the seven-year war (the figures vary between 1.5 and 2 million people who had to flee the war), and what it was like for them to leave everything they had achieved. And whether this situation is not repeated today in Ukraine…

Olga Mladinova in her speech remembered how her grandfather used to say during a toast: “GOD grant wisdom to our rulers” …., GOD grant!!!

I would like to say that the action was very interesting and informative. Such forums are necessary and important so that we do not forget what the government can do to people and not let it happen.

By Inna Dermenji

Post on Facebook by Inna DERMENJI - October 13 at 11:56 translated into English.

Vandals have desecrated a German chapel in Taruta municipality.

At the end of July this year, an inconceivable act of vandalism was committed in the Krasny district of Tarutino. Unknown persons stole a bronze bell weighing 16 kilograms from the bell tower of the chapel, which was erected 25 years ago to commemorate the German settlers in the old cemetery. This was reported to IA Olga Mladinova, former chairwoman of the Krasnoye Municipal Council and member of the Taruta community.

Few people know that in Krasnoe, on the old cemetery, a small memorial complex with a monument and a chapel was built in honor of the Germans who were involved in the sources of the village foundation. The small church was built thanks to the efforts of Dmitri Bratan (father and son), who came from the village. In July 2021 the cemetery chapel and the memorial stone were cleaned and redesigned. The renovation of the village shrine was carried out by Praskovia Kircioglo (head of Krásno since December 2020), Lyudmila Bobyk, Anatoliy Borlak, Vasyl Vlah, Andrei Stefanyshyn and Maria Uzun.

Locals were preparing for the rally “Remembrance for all times”, which took place on October 7. In addition to the leaders of the Taruta community, descendants of the Bessarabian Germans who had to leave Krasnoe in 1940 also participated.

Imagine the surprise of the German guests when they learned about the missing bell. According to Olga Mladinova, the relatives of the Germans from Bessarabia wanted to give Krasnoe an old cross that their ancestors had left behind. But the inhabitants of Krasnoe were afraid to donate such a rarity because the bell had disappeared from the chapel.

According to a deputy of the Tarutinsky village council, the head of the community Savva Chernev promised to buy a new bell, the cost of which is about ten thousand hryvnias. An appeal to the police concerning the theft has so far remained fruitless - the perpetrators have not been found.

“But this is not the issue! We cannot buy bells indefinitely and then let someone steal them. I am sure that this happened unconsciously and the culprits are ashamed of what they did. I sincerely ask you: by all means return the bell to the village council within two or three weeks, because desecration of the chapel is a great sin,” Olga Mladinova appealed to the residents of Tarutinskaya OBG.

Inna Dermenji.

Newspaper by Tarutino "The Banner of Labor"

Draft of the article for the newspaper “The Banner of Labor”.
dated October 08 2021
Authors: Yulia Valieva, Olga Mladinova
Translated to English by Otto Riehl

Newspaper by Tarutino “The Banner of Labor”
«Знамя труда» 08.10.2021

Taruta Group

Memory that will not be forgotten.

On October 7, the action “Remembrance for all times” took place in Krásno. At the appointed time, villagers and guests gathered near the chapel and the monument erected in the old Krasno cemetery in memory of the displaced Germans who had to leave Krasno, including: Savva Chernev, head of Tarutino municipality, Vladimir Kubiakin, local historian, representatives of the German cultural society of Tarutino region “Bessarabian House” and Simon Navotny, board member of the Stuttgart Association of Germans from Bessarabia.

The first speech was given to Praskov'ja Kircioglo, the head of Krásno Starosta district: - Dear audience, honored guests! Today we are organizing a peaceful action “Commemoration for all times”. This date commemorates the resettlement of the inhabitants of Krásno in October 1940. From September to October 1940 2852 inhabitants of Krasnoje village together with their children left the village within three weeks.

How it was, I would like to tell today from the memoirs of Max Riehl, born in Krasnoe in 1927, recently published by his son Otto Riehl.

“On September 29, 1940, at about 5 p.m., the parish of St. Joseph in the village of Krasnoe was dissolved with a farewell service for the deceased in the cemetery. Before the farewell at the graves, a last mass was celebrated in the church. After the Mass, all the dismantled parts of the church were distributed to the people so that they could be taken to the places where life would continue.

Three bells accompanied the last visit to the cemetery with their ringing and then fell silent forever.

On September 30, a seemingly endless stream of women and children under the age of 14 set out for Kilia. Those who remained in the village formed communities to shorten the time until their departure - on October 12.

From nightfall until dawn, an atmosphere of uncertainty to the point of fear and anxiety prevailed in Krasny. The uncertainty was intensified by the constant barking, howling of dogs and squealing of cats. A peaceful sleep was no longer possible. From the behavior of the animals, it was evident that Krasna had turned into a ghost village and was in complete decline. Cattle, sheep, chickens, pigs and geese were set free and roamed the fields unhindered.

On October 4, it was the turn of the second women's transport, where the last women and children were prepared for removal. My mother, my siblings and I were with them. Crying and with tears in our eyes, we gathered with loaded horse-drawn wagons for departure. The horseman leading the procession gave the order to leave. The loaded horse-drawn wagons set off in a southwesterly direction with the words “Farewell, my Krasna, we will not see you again.” The head of the column had already disappeared behind the first hill when the last wagon left the village, so long was the second march with the women and children.

From September 24, 1940 to October 13, 1940, the inhabitants of Krasna left in six groups (women, children and elderly in buses/trucks and men on horseback). Behind the shoulders of the departing people could be heard the heartbreaking howling of the dogs that remained in the village.

The resettlement was very brutal.”

It was a terrible experience for all people in those days.

Ladies and gentlemen. There is no future without a past. This is our history, the history of Krasnoye village. And it is our duty to preserve the memory of the people who founded our beautiful village, where we live today in peace and friendship. To preserve and pass on to the descendants. Pray that this will never happen again.

After this moving speech, the rector of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St. John the Theologian in Krasnoe, Priest Arkady Kuznetsov, led a solemn prayer service in memory of the German colonists who lived in Krasnoe from 1814 to 1940.

At the end of the service the folk ensemble “Vesnyanka” sang the famous requiem “Ave Maria”.

After the prayer Savva Chernev, the head of the Tarutino community, gave a speech: - We have gathered today to remember those people who 81 years ago, in fulfillment of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, were forced to leave behind everything they had acquired, created and built with their own hands, and to leave the land that had become their home. We know from history that there was a great harvest in 1940, and I can imagine how painful it was for these people to leave the soil they had worked so hard. Moreover, when they crossed the border, the Romanians took away some of their property.

I want to thank you for preserving the memory of the founders of your village and trying to pass it on to our grandchildren. I learned today that a bell was stolen from this chapel. I hope that I and Taruta City Council deputy Olga Mladinova will be supported by our deputy corps and we will allocate money for restoration of the bell, - Savva mentioned.

Vladimir Kubiakin from the German Cultural Society “Bessarabian House” also thanked the residents of Krasno for their reverent approach to the historical heritage and gave the floor to Simon Navotny: - I am surprised that you treat the memory of our ancestors with such reverence. My grandmother lived in Maloyaroslavets 2 (Alt-Posttal), she was also resettled and told me a lot about that time. I am very touched today and very happy to be present at such a beautiful event.

Then the floor was given to the organizer of the event, Olga Mladinova: - Not many people know that we have such a memorial in our village. These people deserve to be remembered as they were in the early days of Krasny. It is scary to imagine what they had to go through and that something like that could happen again. What happened to the people then should not happen to the families of Krasnoe. Yes, they spoke German, and they maintained the customs and traditions they had inherited from their parents. They had a Russian passport, and later a Romanian passport. They sent their sons to the Russian forces and then to the Romanian forces. For 125 years they drank water from wells dug in Krásno, from which we still drink and live in good German houses. Today, descendants of the Krásno people live in Argentina, Germany, Brazil, Canada and the United States. I was recently in Romania and was disheartened to see inscriptions along the highway on bridges and on the slopes of mountains saying “Bessarabia is Romania”. I hope our statesmen are wise enough to prevent this. My grandfather used to say this as a toast: “I wish wisdom for our rulers.”

And that is true. We should remember the fate of the German colonists and tell our children about it.

Today I would also like to remember the people who built this chapel - Dmitry Nikolaevich Bratan, who, unfortunately, is no longer with us. Many thanks to Dmitry Bratan - his son, the deputy of the Taruta Municipal Council, who also worked hard for the construction of this memorial.

I would also like to point out that this action has come about thanks to the support of Otto Riehl - an amateur researcher from Germany, whose father Max Riehl was one of the German settlers from Krasnoe. They wish happiness and peace to all people living today in Krasne on the Kohylnik River, as well as to the people of all Bessarabia and all Ukraine.

We thank Otto and the descendants of the Bessarabian Germans for remembering and honoring their ancestors and historical heritage,” said Olga Dmitrievna.

The event ended with a minute of silence and laying flowers at the monument.

After the event, everyone was invited to the refectory table, which was set in the chapel. The “Book of Notes” is also kept here, where the words of thanks of Savva Černev, Simon Navotny, Vladimir Kubiakin and Olga Mladinova, the author of the Book of Notes.

Olga Mladinova
с. Krasnoe


The resettlement was voluntary. The inhabitants of Krasna left because they were very afraid of the new rulers.

Below are some of the victims of Bolshevik communist violence associated with Krasna and Bessarabia who died violent deaths.

The inhabitants of Krasna were aware of.

Pastor Josef Scheiner (* 1873 Odessa) worked as a parish priest in Ackerman (Bessarabia) in the years from 1911 to 1914, then in St. Clement's Church in Odessa. Here he refused to hand over the valuable equipment of the church to the communist rulers.
Instead, he distributed them among the faithful in order to bring them to safety in this way. He was sentenced to death and shot on the same day in 1922 (see Volume II, p. 1143).

Father Johann Furch was born in 1890 in the village of Krasnoye near Ackerman in Bessarabia. In 1918 he was ordained a priest for the Tiraspol-Saratov diocese and in 1921 he was appointed a parish priest in Emmental (Bessarabia). He was arrested and sentenced to forced labor. Pastor Furch died in the Belbaltlag concentration camp on February 19, 1930 (cf. Vol. II, p. 1124).

From Neu-Liebental (Bessarabia) came Pastor Josef Wolf, who was born there on May 24, 1882. After his ordination on May 26, 1905, the clergyman worked in the Odessa region. He was sentenced in 1935 to ten years of concentration camp imprisonment, which he did not survive (see Vol. II, p. 1153).

Father Jakob Schönfeld (* 1884 Hussars in Saratov region) was ordained priest in 1908. He then worked as a pastor in Rohleder (Samara governorate) and in Krasnoye (Bessarabia) until 1910. Because of “anti-Soviet agitation” he was sentenced to death in the penal camp Siblag (Siberia) and shot on September 19, 1937 (cf. Vol. II, p. 1145).

Pastor Josef Nold (* 1861 Blumenfeld/Krim), after his ordination to the priesthood on May 10, 1887, worked as a pastor in the parishes of Krasna (Bessarabia) from 1890 to 1894. Arrested in 1935 out of hatred for the church and taken to the Odessa prison, his further trace is lost. Presumably he succumbed to the ordeals of banishment to Siberia (cf. Vol. II, p. 1137).

In Neu-Liebental (Wolkowo) in Bessarabia Pastor Michael Wolf was born in 1890. He studied abroad and, after his ordination in 1918, worked as a professor of Sacred Scripture and Church history at the seminary in Saratov and Odessa. After his arrest and transfer to a concentration camp, he was tried again there for anti-Soviet agitation and sentenced to death. He was shot on November 3, 1937, in the Solovetsky Islands prison (see Vol. II, p. 1154).

Father Alois Ocks (*1871 Mariental/Wolgagebiet) was appointed as successor to Father Josef Nold in Krasna (Bessarabia). From 1894 to 1901, Rev. Ocks served as pastor in Krasna. He too was accused of the group conspiracy of the German clergy, charged and sentenced to imprisonment in a concentration camp. He died in Uralsk on December 5, 1937 (see Vol. II, p. 1137).

Pastor Josef Beilmann, (* 1873 Vollmer/Kopenka) was ordained a priest of the Tiraspol-Saratov diocese in 1896. From March 3, 1905 to November 28, 1908 he worked in the parish of Krasna (Bessarabia), where he rendered outstanding services in decorating the church with two valuable altars. In 1930 he was accused of participation in the group conspiracy of German clergymen in the Volga region. He was not able to cope with the inhuman prison conditions. Rev. Beilmann died on October 9, 1938, in the Medveshya Gora concentration camp (cf. Vol. II, p. 1115).

Pastor Theobald Kopp was born in 1892 in the Catholic parish of Krasna (Bessarabia). He received his priestly ordination in 1916 for the diocese of Tiraspol-Saratov. Father Kopp died in the concentration camp of Magadan on January 20, 1943 (cf. Vol. II, p. 1132).

The references refer to the work “Martyrdom and Truth. Witnesses of Christ in the 20th Century”. Written on 04.10.2021 by Prelate Prof. Dr. Helmut Moll to Otto Riehl.


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en/alles/krasna-aktuell/krasna-02.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/24 09:28 by Otto Riehl Herausgeber