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4.8.1 Independent colonial government, locally and in German 1814-1871


In 1814, at the beginning of Bessarabian colonization there were special administrative offices in charge of existing south Russian colonies, the guardianship or tutelage offices. The one for New Russia was located in Jekaterinoslav and beginning in 1814 it was also responsible for the newly developing Bessarabian colonies. When immigration to Bessarabia swelled and increased from 1815 on, the office did not have enough personnel to supervise the settlement in orderly fashion. Starting in 1816, the colonies of Bessarabia had a special chancellery.

The administrative structure and procedures to follow were written down in the Instructions of Internal Organization and Administration of Foreign Colonies of 1803 and if there were any additions, they were contained in the colonist laws of 1854. The following description shows a few important aspects of colonial administration relevant to Krasna.
en/krasna/f-04-08-10.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/22 15:36 by Otto Riehl Herausgeber