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1815 First settlers in Krasna
1835 Auditing Register for taxation
1847 mayoral election
1852 Household
1871 Home- and Landowners
1940 Heads of Household
Chronological table of Krasna
Grave Markers
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Stand crosses (wayside crosses)
Help in time of war
Altarcross from Krasna, St. Joseph
Krasna in GRSL
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Krasna, the History of a German Bessarabian Village
The Origin of the Krasna Colonists and their Migration to Krasna
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Krasna, the History of a German Bessarabian Village
Notes about this book
1 Bessarabia and its colonization by Russia
1.1 The Strip of Land Bessarabia
1.2 The Russian colonization of Bessarabia
1.3 The origins of the German settlers of Bessarabia
2 The time phases of Krasna
2.1 The trek to Bessarabia and founding of Krasna (1814-1816)
2.2 five decade Krasna in the first s of existence (ca 1814-1860)
2.2.1 The laborious initial years (1815-1835)
2.2.2 Years of the upswing; development between 1835-1860
2.3 The changes from the second half of the 19th century onwards (around 1860-1918)
2.3.1 The great reversals under Alexander, the Second, 1860-1881
2.3.2 Russification Policy and Xenophobia (1881-1914)
2.3.3 The First World War 1914-1918
2.4 Belonging to Rumania and the Soviet Union (1918-1940)
2.4.1 Rumanian Bessarabia between the wars, (1918-1940)
2.4.2 Soviet Bessarabia, the time till resettlement, (Jun-Nov 1940)
2.5 From the Krasna exodus to a new start in Germany (1940-1950)
2.5.1 The Resettlement
2.5.2 New settlement in West Prussia
2.5.3 Flight and new beginning after the War
3 The Village
3.1 The village of Krasna, its location and appearance
3.2 Naming the Krasna Colony
3.3 The Kogälnik
3.4 The perimeters of the colony of Krasna
3.5 Farm and home of a colonist
3.6 Building and heating materials
3.7 The water supply of Krasna
3.8 Krasna and its surroundings
4 Management, state and administration
4.1 Agriculture
4.1.1 Crop planting
4.1.2 Wine cultivation (Viniculture)
4.1.3 Fruit cultivation
4.1.4 Vegetable cultivation
4.1.5 Forest plantations
4.1.6 Cattle raising
4.1.7 Hunting and Fishing
4.1.8 Status of agriculture in the final 20 years preceding resettlement
4.2 Land ownership and inheritance law in Bessarabia
4.2.1 Land Ownership Law
4.2.2 Inheritance Law
4.3 Landowners and landless people in Krasna
4.4 The guilds, trade and bank management in Krasna
4.5 Traffic infrastructure, postal and telephone service
4.5.1 Traffic infrastructure
4.5.2 Postal services
4.5.3 Telephone connections
4.6 Russian and Rumanian weights and measures
4.7 Monetary and banking services
4.7.1 Valid currencies in Russian Times
4.7.2 Currency in Rumanian Times
4.7.3 Prices for economy goods in Bessarabia 1814-1940
4.7.4 Banking and credit services
4.8 The administration
4.8.1 Independent colonial government, locally and in German 1814-1871 The Welfare Committee Self Government
4.8.2 Government Structure 1871-1917 State and farmers' administration Self government local level
4.8.3 Rumanian Government 1918-1940
4.8.4 Soviet government July-October 1940
4.9 Judicial practices, public order and safety
4.9.1 Judicial practices
4.9.2 Police and safety offices
4.10 Taxes, fees and payment in produce
4.10.1 Under Russian Rule
4.10.2 Under Rumanian Rule
4.11 Military Service and War Times
5 Church, culture, school and organizations
5.1 Church and religion
5.1.1 Belonging to the Polish Diocese Kamenez-Podolsk 1814-1848
5.1.2 Belonging to the Diocese of Tiraspol 1848-1921
5.1.3 Belonging to the Diocese of Jassy 1921-1940
5.1.4 Life in the parish community of Krasna in the final decades
5.2 The school in Krasna
5.2.1 The time frame 1814-1871
5.2.2 The time frame 1871-1918
5.2.3 The time frame 1918- 1940
5.2.4 Structures of higher learning
5.2.5 Studying
5.3 Culture, Habits and Customs
5.4 Associations, Councils and Clubs
5.4.1 The Peoples’ Council
5.4.2 German Agricultural Association
5.4.3 The Agricultural Club “Colonist”
5.4.4 Local associations of Krasna
5.5 Food Clothing
5.5.1 Food
5.5.2 Drinks
5.5.3 Clothing
6 Scares and threats against colonists and measures of prevention
6.1 Catastrophes, plagues, failed harvests, animal pests, earthquakes
6.2 Accidents, brutality, robbery and attacks
6.3 Health Department
6.4 Community Tasks and self help organizations
7 The People of Krasna
7.1 Krasna colonists and their relationship with others
7.2 The Krasna dialect
7.3 Krasna Immigrant Families
7.4 The move to Katzbach by Evangelical settlers
7.5 Fluctuations among the Krasna colonists
7.6 Exodus and departures from Krasna
7.7 Population development since the foundation
7.8 State and community offices of administration
7.9 Church dignitaries
7.10 Teachers of Krasna
7.11 Service providers and business owners in Krasna (as of 1940)
7.12 War dead and missing in action people of Krasna
7.13 Farm inhabitants of Krasna 1940
7.14 The resettlement families of Krasna
8 Krasna people en route to Germany
8.1 Preparation for the resettlement and transportation to Germany
8.2 In the Resettlement Camps
8.3 Settlement in West Prussia
8.4 Fleeing the Red Army and new beginnings after the War
9. The village of Krasna since the German exodus until today
10 Documents and reports about and of Krasna
10.1 Documents and reports from government and administration
10.2 Reports about life in Krasna
11 Time table for Krasna
12 Literature, Internet connections
12.1 Literature
12.2 Internet addresses
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· Last modified: 2019/04/05 12:26 by
Otto Riehl Herausgeber