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5.4.4 Local associations of Krasna

Once the Russian constitution allowed the right to assemble and establishments of church, communal and educational organizations, the first such clubs were established in the Bessarabian villages (for sports, music, women, agriculture and politics). A club life as such only developed on a broader basis during Rumanian times. In spite of all agricultural burdens several organizations were founded in Krasna in the 1920's and 1930's. 1) These were not clubs of the kinds we know today, but just loose affiliations and groups, similiar to clubs. They did not always have the judicial status of a club, since there were no statutes and membership was not regulated.

In 1940, Krasna had the following clubs: 2)

Name Founding year Lead
Virgin Mary Club
1920 Juliane Schilkowksi
Church Choir
1923 Maximilian Hein (later M. Ziebart)
Ladies' Club
Youths' Club
Bücherei (150 Bücher)
? Eduard Ruscheinsky
Stringed Instruments
1936 Pfarrer Prof. Schuhmacher
1938 Pfarrer Prof. Schuhmacher

A group of interested persons, not a club, presented theater plays in the final years before the Resettlement under the leadership of Father Schumacher.

The village youths had traditional birth year fellowships, which were not clubs, but they had similar functions. All these groups and institutions played important roles in the cultural lives of the community. See also 5.3, Culture, Habits and Customs

Alex Hein reports of this in his essay: Überlieferungen aus Krasna und die gesellschaftliche Entwicklung unserer Landesstelle Rheinland-Pfalz; (Tales from Krasna and the Social Development of our Organization in the Rhineland Palatinate), printed in Heimatkalender 1998 aug der Deutschen aus Bessarabien (Homeland Calendar 1998 of the Germans from Bessarabia), page 200
Sources: Heimatkalender der Bessarabiendeutschen 1980 (Homeland calendar of the Bessarabian Germans 1980), page 48 and 1998, page 202
en/krasna/g-05-04-04.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/23 11:04 by Otto Riehl Herausgeber