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4.10.2 Under Rumanian Rule

Beginning in 1919, the taxes were collected by the Rumanian government. Instead of the mayor’s office stipulating the tax burden and collecting the funds, there were now state officials and there was a new fiscal office. The comptroller, called “controlor fiskal,” a state tax office employee, now handled the taxation. Tax collection was the responsibility of the so-called “Perceptor.” These officials were looked at with distrust by the Krasna people, since it was thought that the taxation was done willfully. Bribery could still achieve a lot that was not exactly within the realm of the law.

Rumanian taxation was quite complicated and affected all areas of life. Acording to the tax law of April 1, 1921, taxes were assessed for various means of income (land, buildings, farms, salaries and payments, capital). Consequent tax laws, and there were severeal of them, did not change the system considerably. One can imagine the amount of the tax burden, considering that a community with 2,500 residents and 6,395 hectares of land (a little smaller than Krasna), had to pay 1,585,665 lei per year. 1)

Additionally, each family, each landowner, firm or shopowner had to pay community taxes. The community received ten percent of the state taxes, which were collected in the village.

It cannot be established whether the law under Rumanian rule mandated payment in produce. It is known that compulsory labor took place in Krasna at this time. This was true at least for the construction of roads and the dam. Finally, the village also paid a considerable amount of money to build the rectory.

Weiß, Rudolf, Unsere bessarabische Vergangenheit, (Our Bessarabian Past), 1967, page 18
en/krasna/f-04-10-02.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/22 16:48 by Otto Riehl Herausgeber