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4.8.4 Soviet government July-October 1940

It needs to be mentioned that immediately after the troops of the Soviets marched into Tarutino at the end of 1940, the District Executive Committee (Rajonij Ispolnitelnij Komitet) was created. Community meetings were held in the individual villages and a village council was elected there. Everything was still in a transitional flux and Soviet law was only partially enforced. More details about the administrative structures, which were still in development and existed only rudimentarily, are not needed here. This episode was so short that aside from the immediate measures introduced by the occupation force, the daily lives of people were barely affected by the new administration.

People did get a taste of Soviet administrative bullying. The existing Primars (Mayors) were replaced by so-called Village Councils. Often, these people were not suited for the position. For instance, in Krasna, the cowherd Simeon was now the mayor. Kaspar Ternes remembers: 1) The Soviets took over the community offices. The shepherd of the lower village was made mayor, without qualifications for the position. His Russian background sufficed. He was often drunk and hollered at the top of his lungs when his servant drove him through the village in a horse and buggy.

Max Riehl reports from memory: A shepherd, not able to read or write, was now supposed to lead the administration of Krasna in the sense of the communists. His first decree of office was to adhere to the eight-hour workday, and that in the middle of the harvest, where 12-16 hours of work was necessary to bring in the harvest. This order was rescinded after a few days and now people were supposed to work on Sundays as well to save the harvest. This and other contradicting measures made it clear to Krasna people that remaining in the homeland under the communists was not possible.
See also 2.4.2, Soviet Bessarabia, the Time until Resettlement (June-November 1940)

Ternes, Kaspar; Überlieferungen aus der Zeit der Umsiedlung und danach (Memories from the Time of Resettlement and Afterwards), Jahrbuch der Deutschen aus Bessarabien, Heimatkalender 2003, page 189
en/krasna/f-04-08-40.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/22 16:11 by Otto Riehl Herausgeber