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1.1 Their Origin in Central Europe

Most of the early Krasna families originally came from Baden, northern Alsace, the Saar/Palatinate region, and the Westerwald/Taunus area (in what was then the Principality of Nassau). These areas suffered repeatedly from military conflicts with all the associated negative consequences from the outbreak of the Thirty Years' War until the beginning of the 19th century.

Fig. 3: Places of origin until the end of the 18th century

There lived until the end of the 18th century

  1. in the area Westerwald-Lahn (Nassauer Lande):
    e.g. Baldus, Becker, Fischbach, Hartmann, Heidrich, Hein?, Müller, Wagner, Wingenbach
  2. in the Saar-Pfalz- Hunsrück area:
    e.g. Alwinger, Altmeyer, Dirk, Dressler?, Hart, Kuss, Löb, Müller, Paul, Petsch(Pitz), Schreiner, Söhn, Speicher, Ternes, Zink, Haupt, Tokendorf
  3. in Lower Alsace:
    e.g. Fix, Herrschaft, Keller, Matery, Riehl, Schlick, Schreiber, Zerr
  4. in the Baden-Baden and Pforzheim (Baden) area:
    e.g. Bachmeier, Ibach, Ihli, Nagel, Volk
  5. in the Black Forest-Lake Constance area:
    e.g. Däschle, Steiert
  6. some probably in Mecklenburg, Pomerania, West Prussia:
    e.g. Kuhn, Milbradt, Moldenhauer, Ressler, Ritz, Rückert, Ulrich, Ziebart
  7. in regions not yet known:
    e.g. Arnold, Both, Deichert, Erker, Harsche, Hüttel, Janz, Krams, Fleckenstein, Fornwald, Leinz

As a result of political and economic problems many of our ancestors emigrated to Eastern Europe in the second half of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century. Reasons for moving away from the homeland were:

  • Economic hardship, failed harvests combined with years of famine,
  • lack of land due to the division of inheritance and population growth,
  • war conflicts, war burdens,
  • tax increases, war taxes.

Taken together, the above factors led to mass impoverishment and impoverishment of the population. It was therefore by no means adventurism, but a never-ending vicious circle of economic and social reasons that led our ancestors to emigrate.

en/ebook/herkunft/c-00-01-10.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/27 16:50 by Otto Riehl Herausgeber